Sunday, February 5, 2017

What is Regenerative Orthopedic Medicine?

About Regenerative Orthopedics
Regenerative Orthopedics is field of medicine that helps the body in the natural healing process by stimulating the regeneration of cells. Regenerative orthopedics mobilizes the human body’s repair mechanism to heal degenerated or damaged tissue. By using a patient’s own adult stem cells along with growth factors contained in the patient’s blood, regenerative orthopedic injections reverse pro-inflammatory, destructive processes within a joint or spinal disc and create an environment in which the body’s damaged tissues can re-grow and repair themselves without invasive surgery. Regenerative Orthopedic Medicine uses the body’s own ability to heal itself and allows healthy tissue to flourish and eliminate symptoms. Regenerative orthopedic injections allow us to concentrate stem cells and growth factors right at the sites of pain and injury whereas traditional orthopedic medicine and pain management use surgery and steroid injections to remove damaged tissue and to mask symptoms.

Regenerative Orthopedics consists of non-surgical injection treatments-most often with stem cells-to treat common work or sports injuries, including degenerative joint problems, or just “wear and tear” injuries to tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and discs that result in acute or chronic pain, as well as compromised athletic performance.

Drive the Body’s Power, Return to ‘Body Strong’

To learn more about Regenerative Orthopedic Medicine treatments including stem cells (SC), platelet rich plasma (PRP) or alpha 2-macroglobulin (A2M) injections for arthritis, sports and work injury, schedule a consultation with Daniel Southern, M.D. by calling 203-702-6629 or visiting, Google+,